Almost all book boxes are back in-stock! We have some great new book box designs for you, including Alice in Wonderland themed book box title "The Shower of Cards" (BK-54). We also are expanding on our safe-book line & have two new Van Goghs (BK-103, BK-104), these come with a hinged metal plate and a set of keys (2). Next is a new "thin" style book box, measuring 1.12 inches in width, this one comes with 2 angels on a white leatherette and features both embossing and debossing, as well as silver foil (BK-96). Lastly, we've updated our BK-95 Queen of Clubs with revised colors to match BK-94; these two boxes now make a matching set.

View all our new book boxes.

Also, we are doing a special Halloween event starting 10/14/16 tru the 31st. All orders automatically ship with a small treat!